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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Large hadron collinder... is it the end of the world....

source from:

They said that this machine will be use to test the big bang theory... Also can produce a small black hole... some said that it could get bigger until the entire earth will be pull into that hole...
We don't want that to happen right... it mean that that this machine could create the last day... All with Allah will....
Even right now, the sign of 'KIAMAT' or the last day that stated in the Quran has occured... but man always ignore them..... we see that the muslim once are the respected people in the earth has fall to the lowest rank of people...if we can not believe it wait until muslim be the greatest 'Ummah' once again... That has been promised by Allah....
You can see the sign has occured infront of you... Maksiat are done everywhere... The homosex people everywhere even in malaysia..... Man want to be woman and woman want to be man.... hmmmm.... no need for me to explain more right.... maybe now is the time for you to open the Quran translation and find what i'm talk about......
Word in the Quran will never change... and it did not came from human... because human's mind could not reach God's mind... Allah said to something to happen and it happen....
'kun fayakun'.......

this is my opinion base on the fact that i know... :)


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